Our rules and values

Share. Chances are, you have more UEC than pretty much everyone else in the org. You don't have to share, but it is very much appreciated.

Pay.  If have Security fly top cover for you or if ask an org mate to man a turret; use a beacon to transfer and make sure they get some compensation for their efforts.  They'll show up to help us anyway, but response times tend to be faster when there is a pay check at the end.

Imagine. While many game mechanics have not made it into Star Citizen, that doesn't mean we don't want to talk about it.  Half the fun is theory-crafting. As long as CIG teases new content, there will be a forum here to discuss how it will impact our game play.

Quietly Lead.  Org operations can sometimes involve dozens of members. In the heat of the moment, it’s very easy to try to all talk at once. Keep in mind that clear comms are a precious commodity.  Let's set the gold standard in radio discipline.

Group up.  Even though it's not always as profitable, crewing up is a really great way to meet people and make friends.  Invite people along with you while trading. You'll be surprised at how much response you get.

Be kind.  Be Patient.  Stay out of the Local Chat drama in game.  If you get blown up, vent here or get some org members to help you hunt the player down.  Do not complain about it in general chat or any other public forum. Be the bigger person.

Plan.  Your game time is valuable. Take the time outside the game to use the vast resources of the internet to plan your in game strategies. Taking the time to plan your trade routes and commodities will make you very profitable and efficient.

Enjoy.  This is a game. Use it to make friends. Support each other. Share with each other.

Pirating. It’s the fastest way to get a kick from our group.  We have a zero-tolerance policy for ship-jacking/cargo-detonating.  If you find yourself in someone else’s ship and they are NOT in it, check for cargo. If you find cargo, find out who it belongs to and return it, or land it at Port Olisar so they can access it later.

Dress to Impress. Currently, the uniform is mandatory when the org is creating promotional video content, conducting org events that are planned to be streamed to an audience, or during org events that specifically require a uniform as part of the mission requirement. Often, these events are some of the most interesting content available in Star Citizen, so it is highly recommended that these items are purchased as soon as possible. If you need help purchasing these items, reach out to your leadership and we will help get you set up.